PeopleSoft is the primary platform for performing Financials and HR transactions at Partners HealthCare. The most common financial and supply chain applications that Partners employees use are eBuy+, eCheck, and Expenses.

To access the financials module intranet, please click HERE.

To access the eBuy website, please click HERE.

The eBuy+ Marketplace is a one-stop-shop which includes all of the items from our punch-out suppliers (Staples, Fisher Scientific, etc) as well as everything from our PeopleSoft item file. PeopleSoft is the primary platform for performing Financials and HR transactions at Partners HealthCare. The most common financial and supply chain applications that Partners employees use are eBuy+, eCheck, and Expenses. More importantly, the Marketplace features a robust and fast search engine that will make finding your items a whole lot easier.

To gain access to eBuy, click HERE, and follow the instructions. 

eBuy training documents can be found by clicking HERE.

For questions or support with eBuy, please contact