PeopleSoft is the primary platform for performing Financials and HR transactions at Partners HealthCare. The most common financial and supply chain applications that Partners employees use are eBuy+, eCheck, and Expenses.

To access the financials module intranet, please click HERE

The Expenses website can be accessed HERE.

Expenses is used to:

  • Submit or receive a reimbursement, you must be enrolled in the PeopleSoft module called “Expenses”. Instructions on how to do so are below.
    • If someone will be submitting reimbursements on your behalf, or you will be asking CGM central administration to submit a reimbursement, you must designate that person as a delegate. Instructions on how to do so are below.

Creating an Expense Report/Submitting a reimbursement for yourself:

How to use Peoplesoft EXPENSES: Includes process to enroll to gain access, sign up for 1-hour training, instructions, policy, helpful tips and guides – etc.

  • Log into PeopleSoft and create your expense report
    • Instructions on how to do so can be found in the attachment titled “Creating an Expense Report”

Requesting CGM Central Administration to create an Expense Report/Submitting a reimbursement on your behalf:

  1. Go to PeopleSoft and add CGM Admin as “Delegate” so that I can create the report for you.
  2. Fill out the Business Expense Form excel sheet —Please make sure you include the dates of the conference attended (if applicable) and the Fund number where your reimbursement will come from. You can ask your PI for the fund number if you don’t know it.
  3. A copy of the agenda from the conference or confirmation showing that you attended the dates you note on your business form.
  4. Make a PDF copy of all your detailed receipts –
  • Meals you purchased during your conference visit (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks)
  • Transportation during your conference visit such as a cab, bus, Uber, Lyft, train, etc
  • Airplane tickets—you can print the email confirmation you received that has all the details.
  • Conference registration—you can print out the email confirmation they sent you that includes how much you paid.
  • If you stayed at a hotel, please print the email confirmation that includes the dates and prices of your hotel stay.
  • If you printed posters, materials, etc—we’ll need a detailed receipt.

Once you have everything, please send a PDF file to

Important notes:

  • Reimbursement requests should be sent in within 30 days of each expense.
  • If asking central administration to submit on your behalf, reimbursements are handled on a first come basis.
  • Any receipts over 180 days are not reimbursable.
  • Alcohol is only reimbursable from a sundry fund.
  • Mini bar charges are not reimbursable unless they are in place of a meal.  In that instance they should fall with in the guidelines of meal costs.
  • If you are requesting reimbursement for travel related expenses, you must submit flight, hotel, and conference information in addition to your reimbursement request.

Allowable amounts overview:

  • Airfare- Coach Class fare only on domestic US flights. If traveling internationally (defined as outside North America) business class will be reimbursed only with prior CFO approval. Any special circumstances requiring deviation from this policy will require both CEO & CFO approval.
  • Lodging – Daily standard rate for a single room is not to exceed $350/night for room rate only and will not include taxes. In Boston, New York, Washington DC, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco the daily standard rate for a single room is not to exceed $450/night for room rate only and will not include taxes.
  • Meals – Breakfast and/or lunch – total of both not to exceed $25/day, Dinner not to exceed $100/person, or $125 for Senior Members of the Medical Staff. Threshold amounts noted include food, beverage, and gratuity.
  • Rental Vehicle – Up to the cost of a full-size vehicle, plus fuel charges, tolls, and insurance

For more details on allowable amounts, please refer to the Partners Policy Central, by clicking HERE. (PDF copy provided below as well).

Available Documents

Creating an Expense Report

CGM Business Expense Form (Excel)

CGM Business Expense form

Setting up an Account in Peoplesoft

Adding a Delegate and Attestation

Approving Expense Reports Quickstart Guide

MGB/MGH Expense Policy

Sponsored Events Form

Computer/Phone Authorization Form

Cost Charging Guide

Expense Reimbursement Policy Changes

The non-employee business expense website can be found by clicking HERE.

All non-employee reimbursements (travel and non-travel) need to be completed and submitted using the Non-Employee Business Expense Form.

Completing the non-employee business expense form:

  • Fill in the information in the date, address, non-employee, and SSN fields
  • Complete the explanation of business purpose section
  • Complete the summary of expenses section
    • All receipts should be taped down on all 4 sides with tape and should not be overlapping. Do not staple anything
    • All receipts should have a clear description written next to the (i.e. Dinner on 12/1/07, taxi from airport to meeting, etc.)
    • For meal reimbursements, you must have the itemized receipt to reimburse the expense
  • Complete the expense analysis section
    • Business unit is “1200”
    • Use appropriate account code (link to account code chart)
    • Dept ID is “000000”
    • Project is your grant number
    • Physician ID should be left blank
    • Activity ID should be left blank
    • Resource Type should be left blank
  • Complete the payee attestation section and have non-employee sign
  • Complete the approval section if necessary

When you have completed the non-employee business expense form and received all of the receipts, you then submit an eCheck request through the eCheck module in PeopleSoft.

In order to submit an eCheck request, you must be enrolled in. To enroll, click HERE, and follow the instructions.

For a more details on allowable amounts, please refer to the business expense policy by clicking HERE.

Available Documents

Non-Employee Business Expense Form

Account Codes