Focus Areas in the Genomic Medicine Cycle
Major leadership positions

Director of Preventive Cardiology, Massachusetts General Hospital

Paul and Phyllis Fireman Endowed Chair in Vascular Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital

MGH Department/Division

Preventive Cardiology

MGH Unit(s)



Using genomics to discover the causal factors of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.

The Natarajan Lab focuses on the germline and somatic genetic drivers of human atherosclerosis applying advances in genomic profiling with concomitant methods development.  The interdisciplinary group spans human genetics, computational biology, and clinical medicine. The lab spearheads and contributes to several research consortia, often spanning hundreds of investigators and millions of participants to achieve project goals.


Priority Projects

  1. Genetic Prediction: projects catalog the relevance of genetic alleles with cardiovascular disease across diverse populations and use advanced methods to generate informative genetic predictors. We investigate opportunities for using these predictors toward improved clinical outcomes.
  2. Genetic Discovery: projects aim to discover the heritable mechanisms of cardiovascular disease risk. These discoveries lead to new insights in cardiovascular disease biology. Furthermore, genetic mechanisms appearing to confer protection from cardiovascular disease represent highly promising therapeutic targets.
  3. Somatic Mosaicism: We and others have shown that some acquired mutations in blood cells represent new risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Project involve investigations to understand the mechanisms by which acquired mutations across diverse tissue types influence cardiovascular disease through multi-omics investigations.
  4. Clinical Research and Classical Epidemiology: projects use bioinformatic methods applied to diverse patient-derived data across to refine cardiovascular disease risk. We also use blood-based molecular profiling to glean mechanistic insights for newly discovered risk signals.

Lab Members

Yvonne Fraseryfraser [@] mgh.harvard.eduResearch Lab Manager
Tajmara AntoineTRANTOINE [@] mgh.harvard.eduClinical Research Coordinator
Shriie GaneshSGANESH2 [@] mgh.harvard.eduClinical Research Coordinator
Sara HaidermotaSHAIDERMOTA [@] mgh.harvard.eduClinical Research Coordinator
Kim LanneryKLANNERY [@] mgh.harvard.eduClinical Research Coordinator
Megan WongMWONG27 [@] mgh.harvard.eduClinical Research Coordinator
Tinamarie DesmaraisTDESMARAIS2 [@] PARTNERS.ORGResearch Nurse
Buu Truongbtruong [@] broadinstitute.orgComputational Biologist
Adyant ShankarASHANKAR1 [@] mgh.harvard.eduUndergraduate Student
Nina Kathiresannkathire [@] broadinstitute.orgUndergraduate Student
Phoebe FinneranPFINNERAN1 [@] mgh.harvard.eduMedical Student
Amanda JowellAJOWELL [@] mgh.harvard.eduMedical Student
Meghana Keshavameghana_kamineni [@] hms.harvard.eduMedical Student
Jiwoo Leejiwolee [@] broadinstitute.orgMedical Student
Mark Trindermtrinder [@] broadinstitute.orgMedical Student
Roger Zourzou [@] broadinstitute.orgMedical Student
Meaghan Parleemparlee [@] broadinstitute.orgProgram Manager
Tiffany BellomoTBELLOMO [@] MGH.HARVARD.EDUResident
Melvin JoiceMJOICE [@] @PARTNERS.ORGResident
Pradeep RajendranPRAJENDRAN [@] PARTNERS.ORGResident
Nishant Uppalnuppal [@] bwh.harvard.eduResident
S. Maryam Zekavatmzekavat [@] broadinstitute.orgResident
So Mi Jemma ChoFellow
Jacqueline DronJDRON [@] mgh.harvard.eduFellow
David FeldmanDIFELDMAN [@] mgh.harvard.eduFellow
Sumeet KhetarpalSKHETARPAL [@] PARTNERS.ORGFellow
Satoshi Koyamaskoyama [@] broadinstitute.orgFellow
Tetsushi Nakaotnakao [@] broadinstitute.orgFellow
Yunfeng RuanYRUAN3 [@] mgh.harvard.eduFellow
Margaret Sunitha SelvarajMSSELVARAJ [@] mgh.harvard.eduFellow
Aeron SmallASMALL [@] @BWH.HARVARD.EDUFellow
Md Mesbah Uddinmuddin [@] broadinstitute.orgFellow
Sarah UrbutSURBUT [@] mgh.harvard.eduFellow
Zhi Yuzyu [@] broadinstitute.orgFellow
Romit BhattacharyaRBHATTACHARYA [@] MGH.HARVARD.EDUInstructor
Akl FahedAFAHED [@] PARTNERS.ORGInstructor
Michael HonigbergMHONIGBERG [@] MGH.HARVARD.EDUInstructor
Kaavya ParuchuriKPARUCHURI [@] mgh.harvard.eduInstructor
Aniruddh PatelAPATEL32 [@] PARTNERS.ORGInstructor
Amy SarmaASARMA1 [@] PARTNERS.ORGInstructor
Katharine Claphamkclapham [@] broadinstitute.orgAffiliated Faculty Member
Ida Surakkaisurakka [@] broadinstitute.orgAffiliated Faculty Member
Whitney HornsbyWHORNSBY [@] MGH.HARVARD.EDUAssociate Director
Lab/Contact Telephone


Primary Email

pnatarajan [@]

Lab Website